"I've traded in the tools for toys to be a SAHD. Some say i'm crazy ... others say i'm living the dream, I definitely agree with the latter"

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

A New Day

We live in a world where it's no longer uncommon for a father to be a "stay at home" parent, and an age where marriage proposals from women are not unheard of. I'm fortunate enough to be an example of both of these.

Im 28, yes 30 soon but 28 NOW, engaged (anyone seen the movie 'The 5 year engagement'? Lol) and my partner and I have 2 handsome wee boys Carter (3 years) and Louie (16 months). Forgive my newbie-ness at this blogging business, I'm more of a Facebook addict, but being a geek all round, and a reader of other dad blogs I thought I'd have a go. Don't laugh.

For numerous reasons it worked out best for us to have one parent at home full time, and I was lucky enough to be it. It's now my second week in and so far so good, loving it, especially loving not having to see the boys cry at 6:50am every morning because I have to go to work,.. hated starting the day like that. I'm still working things out, getting the hang of it all (you have to ease into these things obviously) trying to establish a good routine, and get them along to their playgroups, music groups and what ever other groups Bonny (the bestest, nicest child carer ever) used to take them to, because as much as I want them to have at least one parent around, I don't want to take them away from all of that.

I say that all is going well.. But if you saw Louie after my first week you would've thought I was beating the kid, he had 2 black eyes and a grazed cheek, from 3 separate incidents, one of which remains unknown. Now don't go calling CYFS or anything, if you knew Louie you'd understand, he's such a bruiser, struts around here like he's the king, fearless like nothing or no one can hurt him, a stark contrast to his big bruv, they are complete opposites, it's so funny to watch.

Of course it's not all fun at parks and building sand castles at the beach, they have their moments. In the weeks leading up to my new job I kept telling myself that it won't be as easy as I think, so that's helped me be a little prepared I think. The trick is forward thinking, being ready for anything,.. hungry? Got food, cold? Got jumpers, Carter wees on himself? Got spare clothes haha.. Just common sense really.

So yeah, they're definitely keeping me on my toes, I hope they like having me around as much as I like being around. Will be sure to share some stories along the way.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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